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Oral Surgery Before & After

Click here to download our Post Operative Instructions for Oral Surgery pdf.

You can greatly enhance your comfort and the success of your treatment by treating the surgical site in a manner which minimizes irritation and promotes healing. Below are some do’s and don’ts on how you can ensure the best results. Please read them carefully. If you have any questions, please call our office.

The First Day:


  • Place ice packs on your face over the surgery site for 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
  • Remain calm in a sitting position or recumbent position, with your head elevated above your heart.
  • Take medication only as directed.
  • Drink fluids and only eat soft foods.
  • Try to avoid irritating the surgical site.
  • Take medications only as directed.
  • Gently rinse with warm salt water (1/4-teaspoon salt to 8 ounce of warm water).
  • Use any mouthwashes prescribed (such as Perioguard).
  • Gently clean the teeth around the surgical site.


  • Smoke for the first week.
  • Rinse vigorously.
  • Suck on the surgery site.
  • Drink through a straw.
  • Clean the teeth near the surgery site.
  • Engage in strenuous activity.
  • Ingest hot liquids, foods, or alcoholic beverages.
  • Disturb any packs or dressing placed.


Extractions: Leave gauze packs placed in the office in place for approximately 20 to 40 minutes. If the bleeding persists replace the gauze packs as necessary by folding two pads into quarters and placing them directly over the surgical site for about 45 minutes. (Be sure the pressure is being placed on the wound and not between the teeth.) Keep your head elevated from your body (sitting is best). Remember, all extraction sites bleed and a little blood mixed with saliva can look like a lot of blood. However, if the blood is bright red or clotting in your mouth, call the office for assistance.

Helpful Hints: Any surgery in the back of the mouth can cause fluid to accumulate in the facial muscles, causing pain and inability to open comfortably. Chewing sugarless gum (away from the surgical site) and stretching the jaw muscles can be very helpful in relieving this condition. Also, do not use ice packs after the first day of surgery, as it will restrict blood flow and increase your symptoms. NO HOT SOUP OR HEAT FOR TWO DAYS.

Dressing: If surgical dressings were placed, they will become hard in about one hour and should remain in place until your next appointment.

Diet: Drink lots of liquids and eat soft foods. Begin eating solid foods the next day, or as soon as you can chew comfortably. Try to stay away from the surgical site. Take care of yourself! We want you to recover as quickly as possible.

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Wendel Family Dental Centre